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GOLDEN SCREENWRITER - SCREENPLAY AWARD 2023 - 2048x2048 - Page Turner Awards Brand Badge B
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Messenger Dogs Winner
Messenger Dogs 2021 Stage 32 Quarterfinalist


Writing features and streaming series, Clark is a produced and optioned screenwriter with a focus on Supernatural, Dark Comedies and Sci-Fi, but has also had success with Historical projects based upon true events. 


Clark has also successfully collaborated with Producers, Directors, and fellow screenwriters on feature and short projects.  Most of his stories are grounded in themes of "the haves and the have-nots", classicism, and coming of age characters.

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"As a producer at Orange Universe Films and Parallel 33 Pictures, I have had the great pleasure of working and knowing Clark Ransom for many years. He has been an outstanding writer and a strong collaborator with our companies.


I would like to take this opportunity to recommend Clark for any professional writing assignment in the film and television industry.  Clark has also demonstrated great drive to deliver at every stage of the process. He has never missed a deadline! His advice, knowledge and encouraging attitude are assets that are unparalleled."

- David Marchetti, Producer, Orange Universe Films

"Clark, your pages are beautifully written!"

- Manny Da Silva, Producer,

In Plain Sight Films

"It's got a great core story and it's told in a beautifully touching way.  Clark understands manipulating emotion to an advanced level. 


Overall, I would watch this script and recommend it"

- Contestant Judge,

SWN Goldman Award Contest


"Messenger Dogs is a compelling film with loveable characters and plenty of suspense, drama, and conflict to keep an audience entertained.  Henry is a strong protagonist because he has many high-stakes obstacles to overcome, and his relationship with Dodger provides the heart of the story, allowing for investment in his journey."

 -ScreenCraft Fellowship Reader



The writer has amassed rich material and used it to craft intriguing characters, plot, and a clear central conflict."​

"I really love the dialogue. The scenes that I mentioned with Arlo and the sperm bank scenes were magnificent. You have a solid talent for telling the story between the lines and working from the character's perspective. I know I liked the dialogue in the last draft, but I liked it a lot more."

"You made him both a jerk and someone who is a jerk for a reason - slightly puckish and mean, but loving deep down even if he doesn't really understand. Great work. Small characters like this who set things in motion but who have levels to them can really make a screenplay shine, and you succeed. It's also a great casting opportunity for an older actor."

"I like the humor you bring to it because that doesn't undercut the drama but adds to it."

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